Islam Dan Syiah
Future Publisher:
PTS Publications
Translated as 'Islam And Shiism: Differentiating Islam Of The Prophet, Muhammad From Islam Of The Antichrist'.
The work is intended to define intellectually Islam in its pure and pristine form brought by the Prophet, Muhammad to his companions and differentiate it from Shiism; initially a political movement in support of the Caliph Ali but subsequently turned into a cult and finally a religion on its own. Up to this day, Shiites are still mistakenly considered Muslims, either by Muslims themselves or by adherents to other faiths.
The differences between Islam and Shiism are crucial in comprehending matters pertaining to the Antichrist and the end times, as in accordance with several authentic narrations of the Prophet, Muhammad, the Antichrist will make his appearance visible initially within the Muslim Arab world, in the view of the author, claiming to be the Imam representing Pan-Islamic countries.
The author will prove academically how Shiism owes its origins to Judaism by way of conversion to Islam, a Yemenite Jewish rabbi called Abdullah Ibn Saba' who intended to destroy the Islamic community internally, and later amalgamation of elements from other religions like Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Babylonian paganism.
The book discusses:
What really occured during the turmoil eras of the Caliphs Umar, Usman and Ali
The meetings between the Caliph Ali and Abdullah Ibn Saba', the founder of Shiism (as a religion)
The infiltration of Ibn Saba' and his Judaic co-conspirators into the Caliph Ali's 'syiah' or party transforming it from a movement that favours Ali but simultaneously respecting other companions into a movement that deifies Ali and slandering all companions except a few
The early Kufan Shiites' pledge of allegiance to Imam Hussein and his family members in defiance of Yazid's dictatorship, but eventually betraying him leading to his martyrdom in the Battle of Karbalah, along with other members of the Prophet's family
Revenge of the Zoroastrian Iranians towards Umar Al-Khattab for destroying the last stronghold of the Persian empire and how the enmity translated into alliance with Ibn Saba' and his Jewish collaborators, strengthening position of Shiism
All the Imams of Shiism, except The Twelth Imam had no relations with Shiism. They were pious Muslims with sound creed, and had been used to justify existence of the religion. Numerous fabricated traditions had been attributed to those 11 Imams
Islam as originally brought by the Prophet and inherited by his companions and other pious predecessors. This is 'Al-Islam' mentioned by Allah in the last verse of the Quran; Islam that is pure from polytheism and religious innovations
The Islamic nation became divided into diverse denominations solely because of divergence from the original Islam of the Prophet. Muslims must return to 'Al-Islam' of the pious predecessors in order to protect themselves from the tribulation of the Antichrist, and eventually succeed in the next world
The author is still researching as to when and how the Antichrist managed to infiltrate into Partisanship of Ali ('Syiah li Ali') to take control of the movement and eventually turned Shiism into his stronghold having Judeo-Christian, Zoroastrian and Babylonian paganistic elements with Islam as its outward form
The Antichrist according to authentic narrations of the Prophet, Muhammad. Who is he? Had anyone ever met him in person? When will he appear? With whom?
The Antichrist according to the Bible and prophecies of Nostradamus
The significance of Chapter of the Cave of the Quran. Who is Zulqarnain mentioned by the Quran?
Religions of the Antichrist. Apart from Islam, what are the other faiths that he had penetrated and corrupted?
Research on the characteristics of The Twelth Imam and how they resemble those of Moshiach of the Jews. Will the Antichrist appear as both The Twelth Imam and Moshiach of the Shiites and the Jews respectively?
The author is of the opinion that after winning the attention of the Jews and the Zionists as their 'Moshiach', The Twelth Imam will make his outrageous claim as a Prophet of God and finally God Himself, having his own Day of Resurrection and bringing his images of Paradise and Hell everywhere around the globe, entering every city on the planet except Makkah and Madinah
Significance of the 1979 Iranian Revolution as a stepping stone for the Antichrist to globally launch his revolution in conquering the whole globe. Secret role of the United States behind the revolution
Call for all Muslims to focus first on the correct creed of the Prophet and his companions before delving into other areas of Islam like politics, economics, jihad and Islamic caliphate
The Antichrist will use Shiism to take Muslims to his 'Paradise'. And it is a terrifying phenomenon that propagators of Shiism are everywhere today in the Muslim world spreading Shiism under the guise of spreading Islam and exporting the Islamic revolution
Islam is evolutionary, not revolutionary
The Antichrist according to sound Prophetic traditions, will be able to unify neo-Kharijites (Al-Qaeda?), with the Zionists, Shiites and other anti-Islamic forces. Islam will be attacked inside out at the time of the Antichrist
As a conclusion, Shiism has been for centuries a plot of the Antichrist to destroy Islam from within. It is a cancer within the Islamic nation. Shiism and Islam are two different faiths that can never meet. Islam is from the Creator Himself while Shiism is from the Antichrist who will make false claim to be the Creator.
Darius Lucas Nehemiah (Ahmad Nor), Author of 6 E-books on the Antichrist unravels Suppressed Information relating to the Antichrist, Freemasonry, Gog & Magog, 'Pauline' Christianity, Communism & Socialism, Shiism Islam, Muhammad in the Bible, New World Order, Illuminati and International Zionism, etc. Nehemiah is a Revisionist Historian as well as Biblical and Islamic Futurist, basing his arguments on the sayings of Nostradamus, the Bible, the Quran and the Prophet, Muhammad
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Sunday, August 27, 2023
Islam And Shiism: Differentiating Islam Of The Prophet, Muhammad From Islam Of The Antichrist (Islam Dan Syiah: Membezakan Islam Yang Dibawa Nabi Muhammad Daripada Islam Ciptaan Dajjal)
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