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Friday, February 14, 2025

A direct and open letter to Mr Abdur Raheem Green (by Alburr Al-Hameed)

Dear Mr Abdur Raheem Green, 

You probably don’t remember me, but I have a very vivid recollection of who you are. You are a very famous preacher and you did come to Salford University, in Manchester on a few occasions to deliver some speeches, back in the early 2000s. Although it has been over a couple of decades, the memories are as vivid in my mind and a couple of our interactions which I remember having with you.  

I remember the first time you came to the Mosque in Salford University to give a talk titled “Sex, drugs and rock and roll”. I did try to come and acquaint myself to you but you gave me the cold shoulder and did not make the effort to engage me in a conversation. I asked you your name, and where you were from. Your answers were simply one worded and you turned your back at me.  

The following year you came again to Salford university to give a speech in the lecture halls and I was the one who gave you a ride to Piccadilly Station so that you could catch the train to London.  

The following year, you came again to Salford to give a speech at the Mosque.  

Unfortunately, I must be brutally honest with you, your manner of speaking was very condescending, rude, holier than thou and very judgmental – especially in the Mosque. I was too young and unexperienced to be able to understand these things but I have decided to let the truth be known to you. When I interacted with you, you did not treat me with respect or courtesy. You deliberately did not make eye contact with me, and you even called me gullible and naïve when I was talking about the Holocaust, Zionism and Israel with you surrounded by other young men and that too without making eye contact with me. You had no right to insult me like that. You had the choice of correcting me by being civil, yet you chose to put me down in front of others.  

When I was giving you a lift and you were sitting beside me, I did mention that I was from Karachi. You replied “I did not like Karachi” coldly. That was a rather insensitive and rude remark Mr Green. It just shows your lack of people skills. Also, there was a repulsive odour coming from you, to be very frank. 

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but your body language and behaviour is extremely arrogant, rude and judgmental towards those who according to your paradigm, don’t practice Islam as it should be practiced. When you gave the talks at the Mosque, you were talking down at your audience, instead of talking to your audience.  

Who gave you the authority to judge? Are you so flawless and pure that you have assumed the authority to pass moral judgments on others? Are you omniscient? Do you know people inside out?  

Why are you engaging in Dawah? Is it to enhance your publicity or do you genuinely care for people and are concerned about their wellbeing? From your behavior and attitude, it is very apparent that you don’t care about people, but simply to enhance your popularity. You are a well-known speaker indeed! I am letting you know these things directly, rather than backbiting about you. Be brutally honest with yourself. 

I strongly suggest that you take a critical look at your own behavior rather than trying to correct other people. You clearly are a very arrogant, rude and a snobbish person, who lives in a very black and white world and is hence extremely judgmental. You are a bully to be very blunt! 

I am being extremely direct and am not beating around the bush Mr Green, and I am writing this letter to make the truth be heard. Your behavior, I have found very objectionable in particular and even though it happened a long time ago, I am letting it all out. I am not looking for an apology, and neither for your sympathy nor empathy. I am voicing what I have observed about you.  

I sincerely wish that you pay serious attention to your people skills and learn to treat people the way you would like to be treated. That is called integrity. Without integrity, you won’t gain trust nor respect. If you are giving Dawah, then at least show people that you are concerned about them and their wellbeing. Remember, manners are the most important concept of a decent and civilized person. It's not what you say, but how you say it.  

Asalamualikum Wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, 

Alburr Al-Hameed

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