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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Israel and Palestine II, by Alburr Al-Hameed

Assalamualikum. I would add that it’s very imperative that we educate ourselves about Zionism and it’s different strands - political, revisionist, cultural, diaspora, socialist, religious. Not to mention Christian Zionism and American Zionism. Not only will we be able to critique and challenge it, but we will be able to get a broader picture as to what Israel aims to do and how we can challenge and stand against it.Many of us keep denouncing Zionism, however our knowledge and understanding of it is very skin deep.I wouldAlso add that studying the country Israel very deeply, we will be able to understand it. The anti Zionist movements and political parties; what is taught in their education (Miko Peled and his sister Nurit Peled Elahan are Israeli academics who have denounced Israeli education for teaching fabricated versions of history). The Holocaust is taught very deeply but teaching the Nakhba is forbidden.  That’s why many Israelis grow up being clueless about how the Palestinians were expelled. Israeli citizens are forbidden to enter into Zones A in the West Bank. Many checkpoints state so. Therefore Israelis who don’t serve in the IDF in the West Bank don’t know how Palestinians live. They are indoctrinated to see the Palestinians as terrorists and as enemies who want to kick them out.It would be a good idea to study  about the Bedouins of the Negev, the Circassian Muslims (they are Sunni Muslims from the Caucasus regions of southern Russia) and live in Northern Israel, the Druze.By learning about our opponent and adversaries, we gain a tremendous leverage.Sent from my iPhone Asalamualikum. Thank you for your response.I can recommend some topics and also articles:1. When I went to Israel and Palestine in 2011, I bought the Lonely Planet book to educate myself about the area - it was called Israel and the Palestinian Territories. In its history and politics section - it covered a wide range of topics including the PLO, Hamas, The Israeli political parties such as Mapai , Kadima, Likud. Also the various backgrounds of the Jewish immigrants, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahim and the Ethiopians; the Palestinians and Arabs such as the Druze, Christians, Negev Bedouins, Circassians.2. go to the typesOf Zionism to learn about the different kinds of the Zionist ideologies.3.,3%25%20of%20Israel's%20total%20population.6. is a Communist Party of Israel that rejects Zionism.8. You can look up Israelis such as: A. Nurit Peled Elahan B. Miko Peled C. Gideon Levy D. Ilan Pappe E. Avi ShlaimI want to add that while many people dismiss Wikipedia as unreliable, at the end of many sentences, it has links to the references, and at the bottom of the pages there are links to those references including names of books and media sources.I will stop here for now but there is a lot more.Feel free to ask me if you need further help!

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