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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The former PM of Malaysia is a Rotarian

Despite his apparent criticisms of the Jews and the West, Tun Dr. Mahathir, the former Malaysian PM, is a Rotarian according to Rotary International District 3270. He also gave a speech for the Rotarians attending the 65th Rotary International District 3300 Conference held in Shangri-La, Kuala Lumpur.
In the words of Rotary Global History Fellowship: 'We know that many of the early Rotarians were Masons and that, according to C.R. Hewitt in 'Towards My Neighbour', some Rotary clubs recruited exclusively from Freemasons until the practice was banned in the 1920s', thus proving a possible link between Global Freemasonry and Rotary International.
It was The Knights Templers of the Temple of Zion, the forefathers of today's Freemasonry who had been behind The Crusades against the Islamic World, thus the invasion of Palestine in 1948 for the formation of Israel and recent destruction of Iraq by the U.S., are really continuation of the The Crusaders in crushing Islam, as the only potential force able to stop their Global dominance.

Mahathir stated that 'Community needs Rotary'
Mahathir and Kissinger at Leadership Conference
Mahathir interviewed by EIR

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