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Friday, November 2, 2007

Gog & Magog and Israeli terrorism in Palestine and Lebanon

Please visit this video link to have a glimpse of years of Israeli terrorism on the people of Palestine and Lebanon.
Are all Jews today really descendants of the Biblical Israelites? If that is so, why did several scholars, (among them a Jew himself called Arthur Koestler) write in their attempt to prove that majority of Jews today are not Semites? (Please read 'The Thirteenth Tribe' by Koestler)The Thirteenth Tribe argues that around 90% of World Jewry who came originally from Eastern Europe in fact descended from a Turkic federation of tribes called The Khazars; they embraced Judaism in large numbers in 740 A.D. and over time became fervents followers of Torah and subsequently defenders of the International Jewry.
The founders of Zionism had all been non-Semitic Khazar Jews or Eastern European Jews as they later came to be known.
If majority of the Jews are not Semites, who are they then?
It's interesting to note that the Prophet Muhammad stated that Gog and Magog are Turkish tribes and very ferocious ones.
Ahmad Thomson, an authority on The End Times stated in his recent book 'The Next World Order':'This answer of King Joseph is very significant, not only because it demonstrates conclusively that the Khazar Jews are not semitic, but also because, as we shall see in greater detail later on in this book, Insyaallah, the uncle of Togarma, according to Genesis 10.2-3, was Magog.This means that it is highly likely that the prophecies in The Bible and in the Quran, together with the prophecies made by the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, concerning Gog and Magog, are directly relevant to the activities and destiny of the Khazar Jews.... It is therefore clear that the Khazar Jews are not descended from any of the original twelve tribes that formed the original Tribe of Israel, but rather are directly related to the people of Gog and Magog.'
Please continue with his book here.
The video by Ted Pike called 'The Other Israel' gave quite a detailed account of the conversion of Khazars to Judaism. Please watch here.
Could 'Yajuj wa Majuj' of the Quran refer to present International Zionists, whose movement had been founded by Ashkenazic Eastern European Jews of Khazar origins? Could the ancient Khazars be the ancient Gog and Magog who had direct encounters with 'Zulqarnain' of the Quran?
Today, Zionists are in control of America, the Globe's only Superpower and together with their Masonic brethren control the World ultimately.

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