Prove that the only save sect in Islam is that of Ahlussunnah Waljamaah.
There are 3 forms of creed now claiming to represent Ahlussunnah Waljamaah i.e. the salafi creed, the asyari creed and the maturidi creed.
Which is the only authentic creed out of the three?
Can the three be reconciled?
What was the creed that Imam Al-Asyari himself died upon?
If Imam Al-Asyari came after the 4 Imams, what was the creed of the 4 Imams i.e. Abu Hanifah, Malik, As-Syafii and Ahmad?
If the 4 Imams were imitating the Companions, what was the authentic and unadulterated creed of the Companions themselves?
Discover real creed of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani.
Know that the authentic creed precedes 'fiqh' (jurisprudence) and 'tasawwuf' (sufism) in Islam, as stated by Al-Jilani himself that 'there has never been a wali without the authentic creed (of the 'salaf') and there will never be'.
The Creed of the 4 Imams
The Wasiti Creed & Ibn Taimiyyah
Opposition of Ibn Taimiyyah to the Ash’ariyah
The Creed of 'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani
Aqidah Tahawiyya
Abu Al-Hasan Al-Ash'ari
The Ash'ari theology
ASH`ARI, AL- (AH 260-324/874-935 CE) Muslim theologian
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