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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Noam Chomsky - Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?

Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents

Norman Finkelstein’s lifelong rebellion and new war on woke | The InnerView

Norman Finkelstein, Yumna Patel & Dan Kovalik On Israel's Genocidal War On Palestine

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Israel and Palestine, by Alburr Al-Hameed

[2023/04/05 23:00:36] Alberta: Okay so to thoroughly understand the Israel and Palestine dispute or rivalry, these are the factors that need to be studied:1. Ottoman Empire and it’s collapse. How Ottoman Empire joined Germany in World War 1, lost and crumbled. European powers such as UK and France were watching it and wanting to take territories. One of the main reasons was the Suez Canal in Egypt. British India was a jewel in the crown of the British Empire and British ships had to cross the Mediterranean. So UK had Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus as its protectorates and also needed to protect its interests in the Suez.2. British instigated the Arabs to rebel against the Ottomans. Arabs due to nationalism joined forces with the British and helped defeat the Ottomans. The Hijaz (where Jeddah, Mecca and Madina are) was under Sharif Hussain.Sharif Hussain had many children but two sons were Abdullah and Faisal.3. Hijaz fell under Ibn Saud (who came from Najd where Riyadh is). So Sharif Hussain was forced out and Hijaz became a part of Saudi Arabia.4. The British and French took over the territories in the Levant. The Sykes -Picot agreement. British took control of Palestine and it was called the British mandate of Palestine. The French took Syria and Lebanon.5. Sharif Hussain’s two sons were rewarded with two countries. British Palestine was divided, and the country today called Jordan (it was called Transjordan back then) was created by the British (in fact British trained their army and helped create their country). Abdullah 1 became the first king of Jordan, and Western Jordan was actually a part of Palestine. That’s one reason why many Jordanians are actually Palestinians). Jordan was the name of the river that separates Israel and Palestine. West Bank means the Western bank of the River Jordan. East Bank is where Jordan the country is.6. Iraq was the second country created by the British. Faisal who was the second son of the Sharif Hussain; was the king of Iraq. Iraq basically has Kurds, Shias and Sunnis and that’s why it wasn’t a United country. Kurds believe in creating their own country called Kurdistan. Kurdistan overlaps into Iran, Syria and Turkey.[2023/04/05 23:08:08] Alberta: 7. Zionism - it needs a deep study. There is a disagreement on who and where it started from. Jews or Christians? Christian Zionism is from the Protestants and their belief is that for Isa AS to return, it is mandatory that Jews are assembled in the Holy Land. The Jews who accept Isa As message and become Christians will be saved and those who reject his message will be damned. That explains why the US and the Christian evangelicals support Israel soStrongly. Not because they love Jews, but because they support Zionism.In fact many Orthodox Jews. And many European Jews rejected Zionism outright. They didn’t feel the need to leave Europe or live in Palestine. However in France, the Dreyfus affair happened. A French police officer called Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused of treason. He was Jewish. Although his charges were dropped, this gave the Jews in Europe the message that they weren’t welcome there. The Holocaust and many Anti Jewish attacks and pogroms. The European Christians made it very known that they didn’t like Jews and didn’t want them there. Jews were discriminated against and weren’t allowed to do various jobs. Even in Czarist Russia.So these gave rise to the idea of establishing a Jewish state.Because Germany was against Britain in WW1, the British decided to cooperate with the Jews and help them create a state, many Jews living in Germany and its territories. Germany was much larger before WW1, but lost a large chunk of its territory because of losing WW1.[2023/04/05 23:11:12] Alberta: 8. The Arab tribes living in Palestine. Hussaini, Nashashibi and Khalidi.The Hussainis and Nashashibis hated each other intensely. When the British took over the land, and issued the Balfour declaration  (The Balfour declaration was the foundation of the state of Israel) issued in 1917 by Arthur Balfour. Arthur Balfour was a Zionist but did not like Jews. Many Zionists were anti Jewish and wanted them out of Europe, you see.[2023/04/05 23:15:43] Alberta: 9. Hussainis and Nashashibis had very different approaches. The Hussainis totally rejected the British and Zionism. Nashashbis were more moderate and conciliatory. The land purchases by the Zionists, Nashashibis were more agreeable but the Hussainis were against it.One mufti called Mufti Hajj Al Amin Al Hussaini was the mufti of Jerusalem but is very controversial. He was allied with the Ottomans but deserted them and joined forces with the British, but he deserted them too and then allied with Hitler. Mufti went to Berlin and presided over the first Mosque in Berlin under the Nazis. He spread Nazi propaganda in Arabic to the Arabic countries where Jews were living. During the 1940s, many Jews were expelled from Arab countries such as Algeria, Syria, Egypt.[2023/04/05 23:18:31] Alberta: 10. How the PLO was founded. It’s role in hijacking airplanes and also taking 4 airplanes to Jordan and exploding them in Dawson’s airfield in Jordan.Black September which was the war between Jordan and PLO during the 1970s. Pakistans Zia Ul Haq at that time was a brigadier and helped the Jordanian army crush the PLO. The PLO were then expelled to Lebanon but were also involved in the Lebanese civil war and were expelled fromThere too. They went to Tunisia. Finally in 1993, during the OsloAccords they recognized the State of Israel.[2023/04/05 23:21:19] Alberta: 11. Hamas and its formation. Hamas is a branch of the Muslimbrotherhood in Egypt. It’s goal is to wipe Israel off the map and establish an Islamic state. However they have been very controversial because of legitimizing suicide bombing and targeting civilians. The fatwa from Yusuf Al Qaradawi, who was a Muslim Brotherhood member living in Qatar gave the fatwa that Israel is a military society and hence all its citizens are legitimate targets - that fatwa is incorrect because not every Israeli citizen is required to join the army.[2023/04/05 23:24:18] Alberta: 12. While Israel is an occupying apartheid state as it’s known to be a Judeo centric state, and has failed to be held accountable for war crimes and stealing land and resources. The settlements are illegal and Israel must be made to answer; to deny the state of Israel is purely delusional. There is a thing called Knesset, Mossad, Shin Bet, IDF. Even Norman Finklestein criticizes this line of reasoning that there is no state of Israel. It’s a verdict of history and an after effect of colonialism just like Pakistan, Jordan, Iraq, Saudia Arabia.More on these topics later.[2023/04/05 23:29:30] Alberta: 13. Palestinians are not only victims of the Israeli occupation, but also the corruption and greed of the PLO and Hamas. Both these have failed the Palestinians greatly. Ramallah when I went there had very rich and big government buildings and the people in the PLO government live in great luxury. Ramallah is a clean, well designed and well built city. Also take a look at Yasser Arafat’s net worth and where his wife and daughter live. 🤔.Hamas’s leaders are living in Qatar in luxury. All the money comes from Iran and Qatar. This money is going to rockets and mortar. Who is paying for the people of Gaza? Gazans are living in extreme misery.This goes to show that the Palestinian leadership is full of greedy and self serving people. In fact human rights watch, Amnesty and Palestinian journalists have recorded the long use of arbitrary arrests, forced disappearances, beatings and torture on the Palestinians by the PLO in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza. People can’t speak out against them. Like typical  dictatorships.[2023/04/05 23:31:43] Alberta: 14. Whenever I have criticized Zionism or even the Israeli occupation or settlements in the West Bank, I have been called A Jew hater. Whenever I have raised issue about the corruption of the PLO and Hamas, I have been accused of supporting Zionism. You see that’s why it’s very difficult to have an objective and critical discussion on these subjects.[2023/04/05 23:32:42] Alberta: 15. In the Mosques they will always talk about the Israeli occupation but never ever about PLO and Hamas. PLO was supported by Socialists and Communists and was secular. Hamas is Islamist.[2023/04/05 23:38:09] Alberta: 16. The Arabs living in the state of Israel are a very varied mix. They carry Israeli passports. Some identify as Palestinians and some identify as Israelis. So the guests in Ramle I stayed with. They identified as Palestinians living in Israel and were very happy living in Israel, and got along with Jewish Israelis. Another family I visited in Ramle, they identified as Israeli and the female host although being Arab was patrioticTo Israel.In the Israeli defence forces,Some Arabs (including Muslims) join and serve. The Bedouins who live in the Negev desert are very patriotic to Israel and willingly join their army. Bedouins are known to support whichever country they are in. The Christian Arabs and Druze Arabs are pro Israel (Nazareth has the largest Arab population and its where Hz Isa grew up, hence he is called Jesus of Nazareth). Many Arab towns I passed through in Israel looked completely Arabic and I felt like I was in Saudi Arabia. Towns such as Umm Al Fahm, Abu Gosh and Rahat are Arabic towns in Israel).[2023/04/05 23:40:49] Alberta: 17. There is another group of Muslims in Israel that hardly anyone knows about. They are Sunni Muslims and are Circassians. Circassians are from Circassia. Circassia is in Russia, next to Chechnya and Dagestan. Near the Black Sea. Circassians live in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Israel since the Ottoman era.They are known to be very conservative and stay within their own community, like Chechens and Dagestanis. Circassian men serve in the Israeli army.[2023/04/05 23:41:56] Alberta: 18. Israel has a Shariah court that deals with family matters and religious conversions. There have been Israelis who converted to Islam.[2023/04/05 23:44:05] Alberta: 19. Many Arab Muslims, Christians and Druze work in many fields of the Israeli state. There are doctors, lawyers, engineers, politicians in the Knesset (Israeli parliament), Arab political parties in Israeli politics, teachers, professors, mayors of Arabic towns, police officers who work alongside Jewish Israelis.[2023/04/05 23:47:27] Alberta: 20. Israel has made very far advancements in terms of education, agriculture, technology, mathematics, science, farming, industries, martial arts, medicine. To compete against this state is going to be extremely difficult if not impossible. Many Arab neighbors are dictatorships and won’t be able to compete with Israel in these fields. This is not to support Israel, but give a reality based narrative.[2023/04/05 23:51:26] Alberta: 21. The two state solution is very very unlikely. It won’t help those Palestinians who were forced out of those towns and villages which are now in Israel.A one state solution looks like the only reality. Israel won’t exist as a Jewish state. It will end up as a state for both people. It’s going to be very tough and messy but there is no other way. Israel cannot continue to occupy nor steal Palestinian land and resources. The UNO and intl community have strongly condemned Israel for its violations and its war crimes. South Africa was forced to abandon the apartheid eventually due to worldPressure and boycotts.[2023/04/05 23:52:52] Alberta: 22. Neither Jews nor the Arabs will be driven into the sea. It’s a land that both people have to live in and Jerusalem will be an international city for all 3 faiths. That’s what I see happening.[2023/04/05 23:54:26] Alberta: 23. At present Al Aqsa, Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are maintained and administered by Jordan, through the Islamic Waqf. King Abdullah 2 of Jordan is called the custodian of Al Aqsa, Dome of the Rock and the Church of the HolySepulcher.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

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Friday, October 20, 2023

Letter to the Ambassador Rahm Emanuel - U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan regarding the most recent Hamas-Israel War in Gaza Strip (addressed by Alburr Al-Hameed, a Pakistani British citizen residing in Japan)

Dear Mr Rahm Emanuel,


As we have seen over the past few days the clashes and the tensions between the Israeli Defense Forces and the people of Gaza; how the Israeli Defense forces are fighting a war which claims that was initiated by Hamas. As we all are aware, that the Gaza Strip has been under a military blockade since 2007; with Israel controlling the borders and the airspace of Gaza. This has also led to the fact that the ordinary civilians of Gaza have been unable to enter nor exit the Gaza Strip, regardless of the reasons - such as seeking employment abroad, visiting family and friends, being unable to care for family members, and many others. In other words, they have been living in a concentration camp as virtual prisoners. 


As all Human Rights Organizations around the world have iterated that the citizens of Gaza have been living in extremely deplorable and humiliating conditions as they have no means of employment, nor any hopes of leaving the 45 sq km land, no access to medical treatment, hardly any electricity; food and water being in scarcity, people being killed due to the Israeli air strikes and so on.


I strongly believe that as an Occupied Territory, Israel should at least protect the civilians or allow any means to let the civilians to exit the Gaza Strip, where they can be given access to medical facilities, be provided with food, water and shelter; the orphans who have lost their parents, relatives and guardians due to the bombing be given adequate care and protection. These children will have no one to look after them if they are abandoned. 


This is a humanitarian crisis and a genocide. Where exactly are the Gazans supposed to go, given the fact that Israel has imposed a severe and brutal blockade on them for over a decade? The Israeli military is razing the whole Strip to the ground, and the citizens of the Strip are trapped. They cannot even leave via the Mediterranean Sea. If a genocide is committed on a helpless civilian population, history will never forgive its perpetrators nor those who stood by the aggressors. Do you want to be remembered as a nation that fully supported and aided an aggressor in committing a mass genocide on a helpless population that does not have the military strength to fight on equal terms?


Now you may be tempted to blame Hamas, as many media sources especially the Western ones have been doing so. Does it even occur to those who wish to pass the buck to Hamas, that Hamas cannot be equated with the civilian population, who have no hopes for the future? What should be expected from people who have been living under a brutal and cruel blockade for over a decade? Does it not bother the consciences of those who stand by Israel, that a population of over 500,000 living in a very dense area are living in what human rights organizations call the world's largest open-air prison? Not to mention that Israel has confined these people and refuses to let any international aid to reach them without its permission. These people are at Israel’s mercy. Isn't Israel required under international law to protect and provide for those living under its jurisdiction? Israel is a developed nation that claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East. Does freedom and democracy not apply to those living in the occupied territories? How long is Israel going to subjugate the population of the Occupied Territories? The life of an average Palestinian in the Occupied Territories is no where near as equal to an average Israeli citizen. 


It is my strong urge to the United States of America to pressure Israel to lift the blockade and allow the Gazan civilians to gain access to safety. Each and every nation is required to abide by international law. The citizens of Gaza are human beings who are entitled to a life of freedom, dignity and honor, just like anyone else. The United States of America has always been the staunchest ally of Israel and as your president Joe Biden has made it very clear that he stands in full solidarity with it, not to mention the aid and military support that your country has been providing it over the decades.


I have read about your background and I understand that you are Jewish. I want to iterate that The Holocaust, which no doubt was a terrible war crime should serve as a lesson to humanity - that no one has the right to be persecuted, tortured, massacred and ethnically cleansed due to their belonging to a particular race. Each and every human being is entitled to dignity and honor as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Holocaust should teach us humanity and compassion for those who are suffering, empathy for those who are defenseless, a sense of justice and morality, to stand up for those who cannot defend nor protect themselves. The Gazans will be ethnically cleansed if the blockade is not lifted and if Israel, with its advanced military and weapons continues to bomb and decimate the Strip. Think of the future of the people trapped in this gigantic prison which is the Gaza Strip. Think about the soldiers. Has it ever occurred how PTSD will forever scar and haunt those engaged in the genocide? Will you be content with that fact your staunch support of Israel will be seen as and remembered as a nation that assisted in massacring a population that was unable to defend itself? Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East as claimed. Doesn’t this right apply to the Palestinians. They, along with Israelis are entitled to live a life of justice and equality. Justice is a right for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis. If Israelis are entitled to live a life of freedom, dignity and honor and without any fears of any future holocaust; then Palestinians are equally entitled to live a life of freedom from oppression and tyranny. The apartheid that the Palestinians have been living under is extremely abominable.


As you are the representative of the United States, it is my strong request to you and your government to please help to end the blockade, end the bombing of Gaza, to respect and honor the human rights of the civilians and end the genocide. Protect the helpless and the defenseless; be just and fair to the Palestinians. Hamas does not equal the civilians of Gaza and the civilians should never have to pay the price of what Hamas has done. There are old people, women, mothers, children, unemployed men who cannot get married, nor gain access to a job in order to provide for their families. There are people who are living without electricity, clean water, proper food, malnourished children, and people living in immense poverty, who have no hope unless and until those in power set them free.


Thank you for taking the time to consider the points that I have raised,


I sincerely wish that your government will take the steps to put an end to the suffering of an already subjugated population;


Alburr Al Hameed

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Letters to the Israeli and Egyptian ambassadors in Tokyo, Japan regarding the most recent Hamas-Israel War in Gaza Strip (addressed by Alburr Al-Hameed, a Pakistani British citizen residing in Japan)

Dear Mr Gilad Cohen,As we have seen over the past few days the clashes and the tensions between the Israeli Defense Forces and the people of Gaza; how the Israeli Defense forces are fighting a war which claims that was initiated by Hamas. As we all are aware, that the Gaza Strip has been under a military blockade since 2007; with Israel controlling the borders and the airspace of Gaza. This has also led to the fact that the ordinary civilians of Gaza have been unable to enter nor exit the Gaza Strip, regardless of the reasons - such as seeking employment abroad, visiting family and friends, being unable to care for family members, and many others. In other words, they have been living in a concentration camp as virtual prisoners.As all Human Rights Organizations around the world have iterated that the citizens of Gaza have been living in extremely deplorable and humiliating conditions as they have no means of employment, nor any hopes of leaving the 45 sq km land, no access to medical treatment, hardly any electricity; food and water being in scarcity, people being killed due to the Israeli air strikes and so on.I strongly believe that as an Occupied Territory, Israel should at least protect the civilians or allow any means to let the civilians to exit the Gaza Strip, where they can be given access to medical facilities, be provided with food, water and shelter; the orphans who have lost their parents, relatives and guardians due to the bombing be given adequate care and protection. These children will have no one to look after them if they are abandoned.This is a humanitarian crisis and a genocide. Where exactly are the Gazans supposed to go, given the fact that your country has imposed a severe and brutal blockade on them for over a decade? Your military is razing the whole Strip to the ground, and the citizens of the Strip are trapped. They cannot even leave via the Mediterranean Sea. If you commit a genocide on a helpless civilian population, history will never forgive you. Do you want to be remembered as a nation that committed a mass genocide on a helpless population that does not have the military strength to fight you on equal terms?Now you may be tempted to blame Hamas, as many media sources especially the Western ones have been doing so. Does it even occur to your country that Hamas cannot be equated with the civilian population, who have no hopes for the future? What do you expect from people who have been living under a brutal and cruel blockade for over a decade? Does it not bother your country's conscience that a population of over 500,000 living in a very dense area are living in what human rights organizations call the world's largest open-air prison? Your country has confined these people and refuses to let any international aid to reach them without your permission. These people are at your mercy. Isn't Israel required under international law to protect and provide for those living under its jurisdiction? Israel is a developed nation that claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East. Does freedom and democracy not apply to those living in the occupied territories? How long is Israel going to subjugate the population of the Occupied Territories? The life of an average Palestinian in the Occupied Territories is no where near as equal to an average Israeli citizen.It is my strong urge to the Government of Israel to lift the blockade and allow the Gazan civilians to gain access to safety. It is my strong urge to the Government of Israel to respect international law and respect the rights and human dignity of the people of Gaza. They are human beings who are entitled to a life of freedom, dignity and honor, just like anyone else.The Holocaust should serve as a lesson to humanity - that no one has the right to be persecuted, tortured, massacred and ethnically cleansed due to their belonging to a particular race. Each and every human being is entitled to dignity and honor as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Holocaust should teach us humanity and compassion for those who are suffering, empathy for those who are defenseless, a sense of justice and morality, to stand up for those who cannot defend nor protect themselves. The Gazans will be ethnically cleansed if the blockade is not lifted and if Israel, with its advanced military and weapons continues to bomb and decimate the Strip. Think of the future of the people trapped in this gigantic prison which is the Gaza Strip. Think about your soldiers. Have you ever considered how PTSD will forever scar and haunt those engaged in the genocide? Will you be content with that fact that Israel will be seen as and remembered as a nation that massacred a population that was unable to defend itself? Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East as claimed by your country. Please respect and honor this and extend this right to the Palestinians. They, along with Israelis are entitled to live a life of justice and equality. Justice is a right for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis. If Israelis are entitled to live a life of freedom, dignity and honor and without any fears of any future holocaust; then please extend this right to the Palestinians.As you are the representative of the State of Israel, it is my strong request to you and your government to please end the blockade, end the bombing of Gaza, respect and honor the human rights of the civilians and end the genocide. Protect the helpless and the defenseless; be just and fair and set a good example as a democratic state should. Hamas does not equal the civilians of Gaza and the civilians should never have to pay the price of what Hamas has done. There are old people, women, mothers, children, unemployed men who cannot get married, nor gain access to a job in order to provide for their families. There are people who are living without electricity, clean water, proper food, malnourished children, and people living in immense poverty, who have no hope unless and until you set them free. Israel as a powerful and developed nation has that power and that responsibility.Thank you for taking the time to consider the points that I have raised,I sincerely wish that your government will take the steps to put an end to the suffering of an already subjugated population;Alburr Al Hameed&Dear Mr Mohamed AbuBakr, Asalamualikum Wa Rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, As we have seen over the past few days the clashes and the tensions between the Israeli Defense Forces and the people of Gaza; how the Israeli Defense forces are fighting a war which claims that was initiated by Hamas. As we all are aware, that the Gaza Strip has been under a military blockade since 2007; with Israel controlling the borders and the airspace of Gaza. Egypt also shares a border at the Rafah Crossing. This has also led to the fact that the ordinary civilians of Gaza have been unable to enter nor exit the Gaza Strip, regardless of the reasons - such as seeking employment abroad, visiting family and friends, being unable to care for family members, and many others. In other words, they have been living in a concentration camp as virtual prisoners. As all Human Rights Organizations around the world have iterated that the citizens of Gaza have been living in extremely deplorable and humiliating conditions as they have no means of employment, nor any hopes of leaving the 45 sq km land, no access to medical treatment, hardly any electricity; food and water being in scarcity, people being killed due to the Israeli air strikes and so on. I strongly believe that as an a territory that has been living under a brutal and cruel Israeli occupation, Egypt does have some responsibility to at least allow any means to let the civilians to exit the Gaza Strip, where they can be given access to medical facilities, be provided with food, water and shelter; the orphans who have lost their parents, relatives and guardians due to the bombing be given adequate care and protection. These children will have no one to look after them if they are abandoned. There is a humanitarian crisis and a genocide taking place in The Gaza Strip. Where exactly are the Gazans supposed to go, given the fact that your country has participated in imposing a severe and brutal blockade on them for over a decade? The Israeli military is razing the whole Strip to the ground, and the citizens of the Strip are trapped. As we have all seen and heard that Israel has ordered the Gazans in the North to evacuate to the South. Gaza is already a very small strip. Where will they go? They cannot even leave via the Mediterranean Sea. If a genocide is commited on a helpless civilian population, history will never forgive you for cooperating with Israel in being the perpetrator. Do you want to be remembered as a nation that helped to commit a mass genocide on a helpless population that does not have a military? Now you may be tempted to blame Hamas, as many media sources especially the Western ones have been doing so. Does it even occur to your country that Hamas cannot be equated with the civilian population, who have no hopes for the future? What do you expect from people who have been living under a brutal and cruel blockade for over a decade? Does it not bother your country's conscience that a population of over 500,000 living in a very dense area are living in what human rights organizations call the world's largest open-air prison? Your country has helped to confine these people and has refused to let them leave. For what crimes have the Gazans been punished for? It is my strong urge to the Government of Egypt to allow the Gazan civilians to gain access to safety. It is my strong urge to the Government of Egypt to respect the rights and human dignity of the people of Gaza. They are human beings, fellow Muslims and fellow Arabs who are entitled to a life of freedom, dignity and honor, just like anyone else. Each and every human being is entitled to dignity and honor as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our religion of Islam has taught us humanity and compassion for those who are suffering, empathy for those who are defenseless, a sense of justice and morality, to stand up for those who cannot defend nor protect themselves. The Gazans will be ethnically cleansed if the blockade is not lifted and if Israel, with its advanced military and weapons continues to bomb and decimate the Strip. Think of the future of the people trapped in this gigantic prison which is the Gaza Strip. Have you ever considered how PTSD will forever scar and haunt those engaged in the genocide? Will you be content with that fact that Egypt will be seen as and remembered as a nation that stood by as a neighbor while a population that was unable to defend itself was brutally annihilated? As you are the representative of the State of Egypt, it is my strong request to you and your government to please help the Gazan civilians, to respect and honor the human rights of the civilians and to help end the genocide. Protect the helpless and the defenseless. Hamas does not equal the civilians of Gaza and the civilians should never have to pay the price of what Hamas has done. There are old people, women, mothers, children, unemployed men who cannot get married, nor gain access to a job in order to provide for their families. There are people who are living without electricity, clean water, proper food, malnourished children, and people living in immense poverty, who have no hope unless and until you help to set them free. Remember, we will stand before God Almighty on the Day of Judgment and will be questioned about what we did to help those who were weak and oppressed. If Egypt looks the other way and fails to allow the Gazans to escape, then this will be as equivalent to participating in a heinous crime against humanity. Thank you for taking the time to consider the points that I have raised, I sincerely wish that your government will take the steps to put an end to the suffering of an already subjugated population; Alburr Al Hameed