This is an extreme contradiction due to obvious labelling (by the Israeli Government) of those who criticise any Israeli policy as anti-Semitic although most of the criticisms are justified.
Nostradamus in his prophecies stated that the Antichrist will lead the anti-Semitic movement of his day, to the shock of the Swiss Government at the time. The Muslims believe Muhammad's words that the Antichrist is Jewish and will be followed by many Jews.
What a confusion!
Trying to reconcile various pieces of evidence deduced by this shocking documentary, Zionism and Herzl as well as from Nostradamus's quatrains and the Prophet Muhammad's narrations, The IVIFOND Organization theorises that the Jews who will follow the Antichrist may most probably be Zionists and sympathisers to the Zionist cause. Ultra-Orthodox Jews who will reject the Antichrist as their 'Moshiach' may be subjected to holocaust, along with believers from the Sunni Muslims and the Unitarian Christians.
For visitors' attention, Theodor Herzl had been an atheist throughout his whole life, and prefered the idea of converting his children to Christianity. He is Jew but not Jew.
Please watch the video above. The discoveries were made from his personal diary which was published after his death.
For more information on Herzl as being anti-Semite, please visit:
Children’s CD: Herzl anti-Semite
Theodor Herzl: Zionist or Anti-Semite?
Anti-Zionist CD: Herzl is like Hitler
Theodor Herzl's THE JEWISH STATE
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