Iran, Vatican and Israel together with Socialist-Communist block countries will be the new Global Superpower surpassing the US and the UK, to be led by the Antichrist
The new Antichrist Superpower will invade the whole globe, country after country, city by city, leading to planet's greatest holocaust of those opposing authority of the Beast
The future Antichrist Superpower will be global expansion of Greater Israel and Shiite Crescent, as well as global expansion of the new Persian Empire (Iran and Iraq) and the New Roman Empire (the EU)
The Antichrist will first appear as The Twelth Imam of the Shiites in Isfahan, Iran within Iranian Jews there and subsequently enter Israel to be crowned as Moshiach of the Zionists and later on accepted by many Zionist Jews worldwide. He will eventually take over The Holy See and rule Vatican as The Christ (the Biblical Antichrist) together with the Last Pope, Petrus Romanus; repeating the bloody Inquisition of innocent humanity on a global scale. Shiites and Catholics will unite as one brotherhood together with Zionists under the Antichrist
The Beast will impersonate Christ in many ways and finally claim to be Allah Himself (Arabic: الله, Hebrew: אלה), holding his own Day of Judgement, whilst deceiving mankind with images of Paradise and Hell
The researcher is certain that Allah of Shiites, Catholics and Zionists differs from Allah of all the Messengers, from Adam to Muhammad. Allah of the former can manifest himself as human on earth, whilst Allah The Creator of the Universe can only be seen with physical eyes in the Next World. The Antichrist in the midst of his Day of Judgement will enslave humanity to accept him as Allah. Please read Return of Allah: Shiite Muslims in Iraq
In summary, the Antichrist will initially claim to be The Twelth Imam, and then Moshiach and Christ, then Son of Allah and eventually Allah Himself!
The Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to recite the first ten verses of Surah Al-Kahf of the Quran as protection from tribulations of the Antichrist. It is the most vital chapter of the Quran in relations to the end-times; in it are signs pertaining to Zulqarnain, Gog and Magog and Youth of the Cave
The researcher is certain that the Antichrist will imitate Zulqarnain in establishing his future empire, starting from Iran and Israel, moving towards Asia and finally other parts of the world
From research, it is probable that Zulqarnain of the Quran is the historical Cyrus the Great, whose Persian empire was the largest empire ever existed on the surface of the earth. Please read Words of Cyrus the Great in the Bible and Cyrus the Great in the Qur'an
The New Cyrus will reestablish the Persian empire and expand it to the pride of many Iranians and Zoroastrians. It is amazing to note that during the ancient time, Cyrus the Great was held as Moshiach by many Jews for centuries although he was not Jewish by ethnicity, and the avenue where he permitted the Jews of Iran to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem was in the heart of Isfahan, the place where the Prophet Muhammad prophesied the Antichrist to emerge before his global conquest
The future Cyrus (the Antichrist) will first strengthen Iran acting as The Twelth Imam, and after being accepted as Moshiach by Israel, Jews and Zionists worldwide (just like the ancient Cyrus himself was accepted as Moshiach by the ancient Jews), he will finally launch his Global Revolution from Jerusalem to establish his New World Order and authoritarian supremacy, until the second advent of the Christ Jesus
The Antichrist will direct his Shiite followers to put the whole Islamic nation under his dominion, whilst his Catholic followers are directed to force the whole Christendom to worship him as Christ, his followers amongst the feminists will be commanded to lure many innocent women into his Way, and finally his Zionist followers will take the task of invading the whole globe, even at the cost of destroying the present superpower, the United States of America. He will corrupt the teachings of Islam and ultimately destroy Christianity itself. He will emerge at the time when Shiism is accepted by the Islamic World as an authentic sect of Islam; many Sunnis will either embrace Shiism or believe many of the lies propagated by Shiite scholars. Shiism will be dominant in the Muslim world at the time of the Antichrist
The researcher if of the opinion that both St. Paul and Abdullah Ibn Saba had been agents of the Antichrist to destroy Islam of Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad from within
Shiite fundamentalists including those of Hizbullah and Sadr Army will join the Christian Fundamentalists and Zionist terrorists as well as Communist and Socialist revolutionaries worldwide, in conquering the whole world, under leadership of terror of the Antichrist
The Antichrist will be a Sephardic Jew in ethnicity, but will claim himself via deception to be an Arab, a Persian and a Roman too, relating his ancestry to Household of the Prophet Muhammad, the last Emperor of the Persian Empire (under the Sassanid Dynasty) and finally descendant of Saint Peter; reputed to be Founder of the Catholic Church
The Beast will have perfect command of Hebrew, Arabic, Persian and Latin languages. His rise to world power will be made easy by support of his Jewish followers from Euro-Jews or the Ashkenazic Jews, who according to the author of The Thirteenth Tribe, were descendants of the Khazars, converts to Judaism en masse in 740 ADThere will occur massacre of the Arabs, (except the Shiite Arabs) in the whole Middle East, by joint efforts of the Iranians and the Israelis. The Persians and the Jews had always been hostile towards the Arabs. Please read this excerpt from Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States
The Shiite Arabs are descendants of the Prophetic Kharijites who abandoned Ali, but eventually infiltrated Party of Ali as a disguise; all were and are still loyal followers of the Jew, Abdullah Ibn Saba
At the time of the Antichrist, Shiism will undergo tremendous changes in creed and jurisprudence, as then the Antichrist (acting as The Twelth Imam) will re-Judaize it to conform more to the Talmud. He will also bring his version of the Quran and destroy copies of the present Quran. The long occultation of The Twelth Imam is already leading to gradual annihilation of the Shiite Islamic syariah, just waiting for the conducive time for The Twelth Imam to partially or completely destroy the remaining syariah of the Shiites
The Antichrist acting as The Twelth Imam will attempt to invade Makkah and Madinah with his Shiite fanatics but will be halted by angels guarding both cities. He will make claim as the Promised Divine Saviour to every existing religion of his day, and will seek to unite them under One Global Religion just like Bahaism
The researcher is certain that the original Gog and Magog are located within the ranks of the present day Ashkenazic Jews, who had been pioneers of World Zionism, forefathers of Greater Israel and occupiers of The White House and thus the greatest Superpower today, the United States of America
Pasdaran, an intelligence agency and vanguard of the 'Islamic' Revolution founded during Khomeini's rule will merge with Mossad, a notorious Israeli espionage organization during the 40 day governance of the Antichrist, of which the first day will be lengthened to the time equal to that of a year
The Great Depression of 1929 will recur throughout the whole United States (during the global theocratic rule of the Antichrist and his followers among rabbis, priests and ayatollahs), leading to millions of people jobless and homeless, and countless corporations and businesses closed, and eventually collapse of the stock market and the entire American currency and economy
According to Nostradamus in The Nostradamus Code: World War III, American supremacy will be reduced, and for the first time in world history, the world will be invaded by a single man i.e. the Antichrist
The Hojjatieh Society of Iran, Society of Jesus of The Holy See and The Knights Templars (now known as Freemasonry) pave the way for the Antichrist to emerge on the global scene, having powerful alliance behind the scene
The Antichrist will deceive the unitarian believers among Muslims, Jews and Christians via logic and magic. He will be an amazing logician and philosopher (interesting to note that the best minds in logic and philosophy had always been Persian and Jewish), and superior magician and cabalist, mastering the arts and science of Kabbalah. He will be the most superior logician and magician of his day, throughout the whole world
The Beast's emergence will witness the rise of many debaters, liars, magicians and terrorists committing crimes in the names of God and Justice
The Antichrist is the Father of Terror and Pioneer of Terrorism, and had been behind acts of terror of terrorist organizations like Hizbullah (as in Shabra Shatila Massacre), Mossad (as in September 11) and Freemasonry (as in the French Revolution)
The King of the Jews is the New World Messiah of the New World Order
Blogs created by Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah:
Antichrist And Shiism
Antichrist And Catholicism
Antichrist And Zionism
Books to be released by Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah:
World Shiism Agenda
World Catholicism Agenda
World Zionism Agenda
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